Seven truths about myself that I choose not to ignore
Over my years of fitness and wellness there are seven solid truths about myself that I choose not to ignore. If I do ignore these points...
2020 is still your year - commit and succeed!
Wow! September already, huh? OK, so there’s still a little bit of August left but you get my point. Remember sitting on your couch in...
Working on your weaknesses will make you stronger
Acknowledging where you are weakest is a strength in itself. During this journey, it can become so easy to focus on your strengths,...
Live for you: just get moving on your fitness journey
If you’re looking for a sign, here it is: go work out! You have to do this for you. All of this is for you. This isn’t about anybody...
Life after lockdown
Remember how we were mandated into shelter-in-place, into lockdown and curfew? Remember how gyms closed and we wanted to write off 2020?...
What to expect from Personal Trainer Jermain Hinds
Personal Trainer Jermain Hinds – Part Owner of Hindssight Fitness and Wellness We believe in athletics over aesthetics or better yet...
Make time for yourself; no matter how much
It’s so important to make time for your fitness, for your movement, for you. Many people assume that working out (even if from home)...
Home run: get your mind right and your body will follow
Hi guys! I trust that you all have been coping well as we approach ten weeks (more for some) of social-distancing at home. It’s been very...
The Big Seven - At Home Resistance Exercises
In Africa, the Big Five game animals are the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo. We are going to take a stroll through...
Be your own fan
This is a friendly reminder to stay active and to keep in mind that three out of seven is usually a fail in most standardized testing....