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BODY TYPE & SUPER POWERS FOR PEOPLE IN A HURRY! A system of classification of human physical types was developed by U.S. psychologist W.H. Sheldon. He gave us the extreme ectomorph mesomorph endomorph classifications. 1. Ectomorph: Slim, lean or Thin 2. Endomorph: Robust, Thick, Very Voluptuous, Teddy Bear or Pear Shaped 3. Mesomorph: Muscular with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells These classifications are especially important to get an understanding of how quickly we gain muscle or lose fat. The Ectomorph PHYSIQUE and CHARACTERISTICS • Narrow hips and clavicles • Small wrist/ankles • Thin build • Longer muscle bellies • Long limbs SIMPLE “TRUTHS” • You are typically not the strongest person in the room • Your muscle growth rate can be slow “SUPER” POWERS • Fast metabolism prevents fat accumulation • Leaner figure emphasizes muscle growth making smaller gains more noticeable • Gravity is nicer to you. you have the potential to be agile, fast and possibly be an endurance athlete • You can eat piles of food and stay looking the same The Endomorph PHYSIQUE and CHARACTERISTICS • Blocky, Teddy bear, Very Voluptuous • Thick rib cage • Thicker joints • Hips as wide (or wider) than clavicles • Shorter limbs • Above average Gluteus Maximus and Thick Thighs SIMPLE “TRUTHS” • Slow Fat Burning Rate • You have to take it easy with high impact exercises (jumping, sprinting etc.) “SUPER” POWERS • Fast Muscle Growth Rate • Typically, Very strong! • OFTEN TIMES YOU GIVE THE BEST HUGS The Mesomorph PHYSIQUE and CHARACTERISTICS • Wide clavicles • Narrow waist • Thinner joints • Long and round muscle bellies • General Athletic built SIMPLE “TRUTHS” • You can have injuries due to muscular imbalances • Rare body type • Maybe overconfident in body look leading to a lack of any kind of physical fitness. this laziness could result in poor cardiovascular health among other things. “SUPER” POWERS • Looking fit for no good reason • A Fast Muscle Growth Rate • A Fast Fat Burning Rate Most people fall under a combination of two types. Recommendations: • Ectomorph: Lift heavy weights with low reps. eat a surplus of healthy protein, carbs, and fats if you wish to grow muscle and or become stronger. • Mesomorph: Don't worry about getting "bulky," but watch out for creeping fat gains. You're not impervious to fat gain! • Endomorph: If you find yourself doing lots of work and still gaining weight, the answer is probably in the kitchen.
Alcohol and Fitness   For People in a Hurry

Alcohol and Fitness For People in a Hurry

Alcohol and Fitness - #For #People #in #a #Hurry Let’s talk about our favorite social lubricant alcohol Effects of Alcohol Your body treats alcohol as a toxin. The toxicity of alcohol is further enhanced due to its byproduct of acetaldehyde, an even more toxic substance (carcinogen…cancer causing agent what sound effect.). Let’s talk weight gain for a sec Your Liver is the all star player that turns your food into energy. When you consume an alcoholic drink, your liver burns the alcohol off first. If it is “busy” getting rid of alcohol(toxin) those fats, sugars and carbs that you are definitely eating while you socialize are simply stored as fat. So let’s face it we all are not going to quit so what can we do? Moderate alcohol use for healthy adults means up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men. Examples of one drink include: • Beer: 12 ounces or • Wine: 5 ounces or • Distilled spirits (80 proof): 1.5 ounces Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits, such as: ...They do exist but the cons overwhelmed the mild benefits that are drived from additives to the alcoholic beverages. The idea that drinking small amounts of alcohol will do you no harm is a myth, claims Professor David Nutt (Neuropsychopharmacologist is a science that examines the effects of drugs on the mind). Binge drinking is defined as four or more drinks within two hours for women and five or more drinks within two hours for men. Excessive drinking can increase your risk of serious health problems, including: 1. Increase Abdominal Fat 2. Certain cancers, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and liver 3. Pancreatitis 4. Sudden death if you already have cardiovascular disease 5. Heart muscle damage leading to heart failure 6. Stroke 7. High blood pressure 8. Liver disease 9. Suicide 10. Accidental serious injury or death 11. Brain damage and other problems in an unborn child 12. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome So drink less or not at all if you want to like to live a healthy life. Sources: University of Rochester Health Service: Caloric Values of Alcoholic Beverages State University of New York: Alcohol and Health


Recovery from Muscle Soreness – DOMS –For People in a Hurry “Muscle soreness is inevitable but not a prerequisite for fat loss or weight growth but yeah it’s inevitable” What happens when you work out? • You create microscopic tears to your muscles • Your body rushes in to fix them in the form of Inflammation • Meanwhile, something called Oxidative Stress occurs thinking of it as cells dying How can we recover from it? Well it turns out that muscles soreness can be mitigated by having a well planned and executed warmup and cool down. o You need to raise your heart rate and ensure that your muscles and tendons are flexible and ready for you to go all out. o On the other hand, you need to COOL DOWN. You need to bring your heart rate down and allow your muscles to deflate to ensure that your body returns to a pre exercise state. o Use your Foam Roller to massage your tight muscles  Go for a light jog, stretch or simply go for a brief relaxing walk. Diet • Eat protein within 1 hour of training to get those restorative building block amino acids back into your body • Eat Antioxidant (oxidative stress) • Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat: Share on Pinterest 1. Berries Although there are dozens of varieties, some of the most common are: • Strawberries • Blueberries • Raspberries • Blackberries Berry provide antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These compounds may reduce inflammation and boost immunity. 2. Fatty Fish Fatty fish hold high amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Although all types of fish contain some omega-3 fatty acids, these fatty fish are among the best sources: • Salmon • Sardines • Herring • Mackerel • Anchovies 3. Broccoli 4. Avocados 5. Green Tea 6. Peppers 8. Grapes 9. Turmeric 11. Dark Chocolate and Cocoa 12. Tomatoes 13. Cherries Do your best to keep inflammation and in check by choosing a wide variety of delicious, antioxidant-rich foods. ICE BATHS • forces fresh restorative nutrients and oxygen to your muscles • This recovery technique is more suited for pro athlete training routines or high rep routines CrossFit • Logistically this is more challenging but it can be rewarding MASSAGE THERAPY • 5 minutes of FOAM ROLLER across major muscles groups during your warmup and cool down • A professional deep tissue massage DEEP QUALITY SLEEP • 7-8 HOURS OF SLEEP – TO ALLOW YOUR CELLS TO GO INTO RECOVERY OVERDRIVE o Shut off all electronics and attempt to go to bed an hour earlier. Each method is impactful however for the sake of convenience, funds, and efficacy I recommend the following prioritized approached to recovery: 1. Get 7-8 hours of quality Sleep 2. Workout Specific Warmup 3. Cool down for 5-10mins (drop your heart rate down with low impact exercises and stretch) 4. Use your Foam Roller to massage your tight muscles 5. Eat high antioxidant and protein-rich foods ASAP(1hr) after your workout 6. Go to a professional Massage therapist. 7. Take an ice bath Sources: • • Free Radical Tissue Damage and the Protective Role of Antioxidant Nutrients • #recovery #for #PeopleinaHurry
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